MetaOCaml might sound redundant, but in fact, it simply adds a feature that is missing: quotation, as it exists in Lisp. A quoted piece of code is not executed until we explicitly evaluate it. The biggest difference is that OCaml type-checks everything, even stuff inside quotes! According to the metaocaml paper, if the type of an expression E is t, the type of a quoted expression (written .<E>.) is:
E code
What I found in my install was that it became:
('a, E) codeI have no idea what that 'a is doing there, and it made life difficult! After I put the priority queue together, I tried to write a function which repeatedly took tasks off of the queue and executed them until none remained. However, the interpreter rejected this as ill-typed, complaining that the 'a parameters might not match (more specifically, that 'a is not generalisable).
Perhaps I'll figure that one out for tomorrow. Here is the code for today:
type 'a task = ('a, unit) code
type 'a priority_queue = {mutable tasklist: (('a task) * float) option array; mutable next: int}
let new_priority_queue = {tasklist = Array.make 2 None; next = 1}
let rec sift_up place pq =
if (place > 1) then match (pq.tasklist.(place), pq.tasklist.(place/2)) with
(None, p) -> ()
| (Some (t1,f1), Some (t2,f2)) when f1 <= f2 -> ()
| (Some (t1,f1), Some (t2,f2)) when f1 > f2 ->
pq.tasklist.(place) <- Some (t2, f2);
pq.tasklist.(place/2) <- Some (t1, f1);
sift_up (place/2) pq;
| (q, r) -> raise (Invalid_argument "sift_up");;
let double_size pq =
pq.tasklist <- Array.append pq.tasklist (Array.make (Array.length pq.tasklist) None);;
let push_item item priority pq =
(if not ( < Array.length pq.tasklist) then double_size pq);
pq.tasklist.( <- Some (item, priority);
sift_up pq; <- ( + 1);;
let rec sift_down place pq =
if place*2 < Array.length pq.tasklist then
if place*2+1 < then
let (largervalue,largerplace) =
(match (pq.tasklist.(place*2), pq.tasklist.(place*2+1)) with
(Some (t1,f1), Some (t2,f2)) when f1 < f2 -> (f2,place*2+1)
| (Some (t1,f1), Some (t2,f2)) -> (f1,place*2)
| _ -> raise (Invalid_argument "sift_down") )
match pq.tasklist.(place) with
Some (t,f) when f < largervalue ->
(pq.tasklist.(place) <- pq.tasklist.(largerplace);
pq.tasklist.(largerplace) <- Some (t,f);
sift_down largerplace pq )
| Some (t,f) -> ()
| _ -> raise (Invalid_argument "sift_down")
else if place*2 < then
match pq.tasklist.(place) with
Some (t,f) when f < (match pq.tasklist.(place*2) with Some (t,f) -> f | _ -> 0.0) ->
(pq.tasklist.(place) <- pq.tasklist.(place*2);
pq.tasklist.(place*2) <- Some (t,f) )
| Some (t,f) -> ()
| _ -> raise (Invalid_argument "sift_down");;
let pop_item pq =
match pq.tasklist.(1) with Some (t,f) ->
pq.tasklist.(1) <- pq.tasklist.(;
pq.tasklist.( <- None;
if > 1 then <-;
sift_down 1 pq;
| None -> .<()>.;;
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